Mon 27 Jan
New👑 (GoOD •G¡RL) 😇 ✰ 💋GoN€ ➜ 🍌💦(BAD 😈 Thick in all the right places 💋 come play🍌 - 27
(Little Rock, Nlr Warden Road)
>>>>>> Sexy Korean * Amei * >>>>>> Cutie Thai * Vi Vi* = on dutie now - 20
(come from 405 off jamboree and main)
💋💕✴ Come Start Your Week End Off Right✴💕 Exotic Mixxed Beauty ✴ 1000% Real Deal💋💕👄 - 19
(Columbus, east columbus)
Ill make your dreams come true; Fetish, Fantasies Desires - 29
(Bronx, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester)
❤HoT ° SUPeR SeXy ° -----* SeNsUaL * *1oO% SaTiSfYiNG -- --- til LATE - 30
(Houston, Galleria ~ In&Out;)
I T A L I A N===G O D D E S S===B O M B S H E L L=== 100% R E A L L L L - 21
🌟🌟Come, get Star Struck.🌟🌟...I Am by Far...THE SWEeTEST C🍪🍪KiE in the Jar...🍯...Big Grin.🌟 - 32
(Columbus, Incall 270/ Cemetery Rd Area.)
ClaSSy, Beautiful,SeXy, And FuN,,Call BridGeTTe for all your Entertainment Needs 6144588023 - 31
Come keep this lonely Blonde Hottie phone call you'll EVER Make!!$75 In-Call Special - 28
(Columbus, North Columbus)
💦💦💦💦 COME GET THIS NEW 💦💦💦NEW💦💦💦75🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 Specials ALL NIGHT - 26
(Cleveland, East and West In And Out Cleveland)
NEW *-:¦:-° sOo ExOTiC * ~N~ * °TopNoTch ~EBONY DELIGHT* o-:¦: InCall SPECIALS - 19
✨🌟💫🌟✨ IM 19 & FABULOUS ✨🌟🌟60✨💫💫 What are you waiting for? CALL ME NOW 👌 9142469328 💃💃 - 19
(Bronx, $60 I come to you 9142469328)
🌴💙💉 Hott‼️ Petite 💁🏻 Foreign & Sexy 😻Soft bubble Booty 💦 Native Indian 💙💉💙🇺🇸 - Hey I'm Brooke - 21
(City of Houston, Houston, Outcalls)
★❤ ▄▀★▀▄❤ AMAZING❤ ▀▄▀▄❤ BOMBSHELL ❤ ▄▀▄▀▄❤ SUPER❤ ▄▀▄▀▄❤ SEXY ❤ ▄▀▄▀▄❤SUPER❤ ▄▀▄▀▄❤FREAKY❤ ▄▀★▀▄❤★ - 22
(Orange County, Tustin/Irvine &surr; area)
Residential by the airport....Rated a*****super freak - 31
(Sarasota, Sarasota/Bradenton/Palmetto/Englewood/Ve)
come get a taste of miss morgan chase 234-303-3673 all new pics 100% real. ready willing waiting - 23
(Columbus, east side brice rd)
~ 🎀👄👯NEW Asian girls in town, Double The FUN!👯👄🎀 ~ 😍2 girls are always better than 1!!👠🍒 - 21
(Camarillo, Ventura)
❤❤❤🎀💕🎀 NEW PERFECT ➓ DIRTY BLONDE•♛ ❤❤💖 *sOOO SEXY 💖❤❤👑 FLaWLeSs* *BoDy •♛ ❤❤ 🎀100% Real - 23
(OUT-CALL.ONLY::SPECIALS 24HRS, Providence, Warwick)
& ★ ★ ALWAYS your BEST CHOICE for the Cutest Asian CO-EDS ! ! !☆ ★ ☆ - 23
(Orange County, ★ Garden Grove ☎ incalls)
L O O K ! ! ! ==► LAST DAYS (( EXCLUSIVES** ))◄ =====(LOW RATES ) - 20
NEWINTOWN_ * KiNkY & FuN; PETITE Japanese & Hawaiian M I X E D MaMi; AvAiLAbLe N O W! - 20
(Ventura, Camarillo Incalls;)
🙌 🚨🚨🚨🚨 ALERT !! -S T O P !! 🚨🚨🚨 🙌 W A R N I N G ! ! ! ! ! ___ Blonde & Brunette __ __ Naughty & SEXY - 25
(55 & Dyer Exit, Orange County, Santa Ana)
HOT *° N-E-W *~ * BLONDE *° *° SEXY BOMBSHELL 832 3962321 - 26
★ ALL Nakid MOST Flexible 20 Yr Asian Yoga Instructor ★ HERE NOW ★ 2 Nakid Instructors Only $60 - 21
I AM BACK ☆☆ Ultimate Satisfaction ☆☆ 100% Me.. Independent.. No Games!! ☆☆ Open Minded ☆☆ASS ASS - 22
(Bronx, Incalls and out calls)
💕New💕👑.👑💋Better Than➹Her➹ 👉💖👈➷Her➷ And➹Her➹👆Don't Believe Me❓I'll §høw ¥øü Thên! - 22
(Pawtucket RI ( In ), Providence)
★ ALL Nakid MOST Flexible Asian Yoga Instructor ★ HERE NOW ★ 2 Nakid Instructors Only $60 !! - 21
(Orange County, Garden Grove - Private)
★New In Town★Exotic Busty Brunette★Natural 38D★Super Long Legs★Great Reviews★ - 22
(, Incall near airport)
{+{+HOT = TO = TROT+}+}=====Fr iday Tastefull Specials====={+ {+HOT = TO = TR OT+}+} - 25
(Houston, 59++SouthWest H-Town)
✦ RELIEVE ✦ UNWANTED ✦ STRESS ✦ EXCLUSIVE ✦ THERAPY ✦ 2-4-1 160/hr flat rate!!! Book your appt today - 21
(Sarasota, ScentSations (941)462-6789)
Lets End The Weekend Right With Cherry 24/7 Special For Only 2Days - 27
(Bronx, bx incall 165 STREET ON BROOK AVE)
★ HoT EbOnY ♥★1OO% ReAL PiCs GuRaNTeeD ♥★CuTe FaCe ♥★pHAt aZz $75 Specials Incalls Only! - 23
(Houston, Hwy 59 & GESSNER Incalls only!!!)
New in town 🍒🍡Sweet treat🌹🌹🌹up all night🌜🌞OUTcalls SPECIALs🍡🍦 - 21
💙✨AlL IN OnE✨💙✨ ReAdY✨ 💙 ✨WiLLinG WanTiNg ✨ 💙✨ SoMe🔥 HoT HoT🔥 NaKeD ✨💙✨ FUN!!!!✨💙✨ - 24
(Irvine, Orange County, Out Call OC)
___⬜_🔴_⬜_🔴【 P E R F E C T 】💖.【 C H O I C E 】 _⬜ 🔴🔴_⬜ 💖💖💖___ ONE LOVE __💖💖💖941-706-3417 - 23
(9 fillmore dr (st armands cir )sarasota, Sarasota)
*** AIM TO PLEASE *** sExy BeaUtIfuL Blondie ((( let me make you smile ))) - 24
(Orange County, buena park/91 fwy)
█ ▆ ▅ ▃ ▂ HOT ♡♡ PRETTY ★★ SEXY LOVELY MISS LADY ★★ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▆ █ - - 23
(Houston, westchase, galleria, houston)
♥ HOT ::: BrUnEtTe BaBe ::: StuNNiNg CuRvEs ♥ ReViEwEd :::SqUiRtEr:::: 120/60 - 25
(IN- 45 N /BeLtWaY 8 (120/60) REVIEWED)
I Lust For Your Thoughts Give Me A Call I'm A Sure Thing :0 -8:00PM-7:00AM - 21
(Brooklyn, WE COME TO YOU)